Live Plants

Herb Plants
Plant Packs
Perennial PLANTS

About Our Plants:

  • The largest variety of live pepper plants or live tomato plants available
  • Our ready-to-plant plants are grown in 3 inch pots and average 6-8 inches tall
  • Plants are grown and shipped directly from Stockton, New Jersey to anywhere in the lower 48 states
  • Growing plants from seed is notoriously difficult. Forget about all that early-spring planning and growing seedlings in your basement or spare corner and let us do the hard work for you!
  • After 20+ years of experience, we know a thing or two about how to ensure success in our plants
  • Our plants are organically grown, non-GMO, and we have signed the safe seed pledge
  • We guarantee our plants arrive to your doorstep safe and sound, so you’ve got nothing to worry about
  • Not much of a gardener? We also ship fresh chiles
  • We want your garden to be successful as much as you do
  • We are always here to answer questions after you receive our plants